The College of Sri Veerabhadreshwar Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Humnabad
organized a Stress Management Program for students of BHMS, BAMS, BDS & BPTh on 25th
Nov 2022 in the Seminar Hall, Sri Veerabhadreshwar Homoeopathic Medical College &
Hospital, Humnabad. The stress Management program assists in effectively managing stress in
healthy ways, including: exercising, seeking social pleasant activities and relaxation. The
resource person for the stress management program was Dr Mridula Nair. The session started at
9.30 am. The session started with introduction to what is stress management, further stratergies
for managing stress related symptoms, stratergies on reducing individual vulnerability,
stratergies on managing the organization’s stress.
The main objective was to enable the staff & students to understand the meaning, nature, types,
sources, effects of stress on body, mind, behavior, and emotions; the difference between positive
and negative stress, and ways of handling them through stress busters and time schedule. Stress
is part and parcel of life and learning effective ways to deal with it helps us to live a peaceful
life. The session ended at 12.00pm.